+ [2014-10-13T22:56:12Z] sinequanon hi, i just changed my GH username, and now my GH Pages (username.github.io) are returning a 404 -- does that just take awhile to propagate?
+ [2014-10-13T22:59:06Z] sinequanon i even pushed a noop change to see if that would clear the pipes, but to no avail
+ [2014-10-13T23:01:24Z] sinequanon my old username GH pages also return 404s, so i assume something is working and just taking awhile to kick in
+ [2014-10-13T23:03:43Z] sinequanon ah, there we go, works now :)
+ [2014-10-13T23:58:19Z] galactian_c can some one tell me, of cloning a repository omits some folders? This is my first time forking and cloning it to my local machine, but few folders are missing in the local directory ?

message no. 53548

Posted by msx in #github at 2014-10-13T22:24:59Z

oops, said nothing: http://octopress.org/docs/deploying/github/
+ [2014-10-14T00:12:31Z] milki galactian_c: what do you expect to be at thsoe paths?
+ [2014-10-14T00:16:25Z] VxJasonxV galactian_c: submodules? link to the repository
+ [2014-10-14T00:18:20Z] galactian_c milki & VxJasonxV : https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
+ [2014-10-14T00:18:38Z] VxJasonxV which folders are empty?
+ [2014-10-14T00:19:03Z] galactian_c app, features are some of the folders that are missing not empty