latest 5 messages by msx

+ [2015-08-09T22:23:10Z] msx hi all, any news about octopress 3!?
+ [2014-10-13T22:57:37Z] msx by the way, what's the official way to update an Octopress install? Problem that I see by using GIT is it could be somewhat fuzzy to do that
+ [2014-10-13T22:30:48Z] msx hi! do you know when Ocopress 3 will be ready? Any estimated ETA?
+ [2014-10-13T22:24:59Z] msx oops, said nothing:
+ [2014-10-13T22:24:26Z] msx hi all, it is possible to use octopress instead Jakyll with GitHub Pages!?