+ [2014-11-13T22:09:52Z] tomkralidis so how can I see a github 404 on that site?
+ [2014-11-13T22:09:59Z] jssjr at least, afaik. i could be wrong about that
+ [2014-11-13T22:10:09Z] jssjr you shouldn't =) which is why his error is strange
+ [2014-11-13T22:10:24Z] jssjr its like he has the wrong DNS or has a busted proxy server intercepting the request

message no. 60958

Posted by jdummy in #github at 2014-11-13T02:40:58Z

Ademan_: they DO... and I've been reading about using Jekyll w/ github pages, but there are still some holes in the process for me...
+ [2014-11-14T03:48:26Z] Kim Pagination was dropped from the public events API?
+ [2014-11-14T04:26:31Z] maletor What are these parts reply+i-39418229-44ee5435ba5b441a390a47e8b01546647358216e-132785@reply.github.com
+ [2014-11-14T04:26:38Z] maletor Obfuscated, of course.
+ [2014-11-14T04:45:16Z] jrc why isnt github itself open source?
+ [2014-11-14T05:00:01Z] Remram jrc: why would it? :(