latest 8 messages by maletor

+ [2014-11-21T19:48:28Z] maletor I see it is a trusted OAuth app, but I also note that it doesn't hit GitHub OAuth, at least on the front end. Does anybody have an understanding here?
+ [2014-11-21T19:48:02Z] maletor So I've read Does anybody know how Gist authenticates? I'm trying to model it for a similar application myself.
+ [2014-11-14T04:26:38Z] maletor Obfuscated, of course.
+ [2014-11-14T04:26:31Z] maletor What are these parts
+ [2014-10-20T21:41:52Z] maletor how does Gist authenticate users? I see _gist_session but I also see it listed in authorized applications...
+ [2014-08-18T22:59:03Z] maletor I have the CNAME on gh-pages and DNS setup correctly, but it doesn't work: &
+ [2014-08-18T22:51:32Z] maletor Can I have multiple github pages per account? For instance I have> and I also want>
+ [2013-07-14T00:13:50Z] maletor any idea why when i do {% include %} from a html page it doesn't markdownify the include? the documentation says it should.