+ [2014-11-15T13:05:02Z] t4nk447 sub_blah/
+ [2014-11-15T13:05:14Z] t4nk447 if i want to commit blah and sub_blah differently how do i do that?
+ [2014-11-15T13:06:16Z] rhalff t4nk447, add blah/sub_blah commit then add blah/ and commit?
+ [2014-11-15T14:28:16Z] Vinnie_win I wish the Labels didn't ignore non-alphanumeric characters when sorting. I want to use punctuation to sort the most frequently used labels to the top of the drop down so I dont have to scroll every time.
+ [2014-11-15T14:28:38Z] Vinnie_win It seems this was just recently changed

message no. 61262

Posted by rhalff in #github at 2014-11-15T13:02:15Z

$('.pl-c').parents('tr').hide() gah, I'm such a hacker
+ [2014-11-16T01:59:52Z] offby1 aaaacme
+ [2014-11-16T05:16:08Z] selv hi ! i have migrated from windows to ubuntu ! in windows i used github gui so watever i added to github folder in my documents were added to github ! now i find it difficult to even setup ! can anyone help?
+ [2014-11-16T05:30:29Z] selv hi ! i have migrated from windows to ubuntu ! in windows i used github gui so watever i added to github folder in my documents were added to github ! now i find it difficult to even setup ! can anyone help?
+ [2014-11-16T05:40:19Z] Remram I've never used a Github gui, are they any good?
+ [2014-11-16T05:40:24Z] Remram I just use Git+gitk