latest 20 messages by rhalff

+ [2016-09-12T16:17:38Z] rhalff preaction, I started with option 3: there must be a man-in-the-middle deliberately stopping me from pushing my code into the wild. :p
+ [2016-09-12T16:13:58Z] rhalff preaction, err, I am not.. thanks :)
+ [2016-09-12T16:13:04Z] rhalff superweird, I push to my repository on github and it reports 'Everything up-to-date'. The github page itself shows code within master which is 2 years old.
+ [2016-05-21T01:28:04Z] rhalff +to
+ [2016-05-21T01:25:47Z] rhalff the searching could be improved, where nag about that? :-)
+ [2016-03-15T14:31:22Z] rhalff could also be a conversion mistake or something:
+ [2016-03-15T14:27:57Z] rhalff could be a mistake though :)
+ [2016-03-15T14:26:09Z] rhalff code within description and readme
+ [2016-03-15T14:26:02Z] rhalff some kind of malware pattern ?
+ [2014-11-21T16:39:33Z] rhalff Is it possible to not show an organization within my own history?
+ [2014-11-15T13:06:16Z] rhalff t4nk447, add blah/sub_blah commit then add blah/ and commit?
+ [2014-11-15T13:02:15Z] rhalff $('.pl-c').parents('tr').hide() gah, I'm such a hacker
+ [2014-11-15T12:54:59Z] rhalff darn
+ [2014-11-15T12:52:32Z] rhalff can I fold source code comments while browsing?
+ [2014-08-12T18:01:35Z] rhalff Nevik, maybe I just mean the same as: but then also for participations.
+ [2014-08-12T17:46:05Z] rhalff ok, still I think it could be better, more like an inbox where some are marked read and others not. This is like reading an email and it vanishes once you've read it.
+ [2014-08-12T17:41:15Z] rhalff right now I have like 1000 of notifications because just watching also uses notificiation, then somewhere within those I find somebody answered to an issues like a month ago :)
+ [2014-08-12T17:39:16Z] rhalff Dougie187, so how do I get an overview of issues I've ever responded to?
+ [2014-08-12T17:37:46Z] rhalff Dougie187, ok I thought it to be more of an overview of issues I'm participating in.
+ [2014-08-12T17:34:43Z] rhalff it gives a nice overview of conversations you participate in, but once viewed the overview of your participations is gone.