+[2014-11-20T23:06:01Z]lutocan someone check this for sanity, please? +[2014-11-20T23:06:02Z]lutoNevik ? +[2014-11-20T23:06:04Z]lutoVxJasonxV ? +[2014-11-20T23:37:14Z]supayhey +[2014-11-20T23:37:25Z]supayi want to know how to push a single file to a private git?
I've noticed the "Contributor" information isn't updating, i was curious whether it just takes some time or whether this is actually a bug
+[2014-11-21T01:17:11Z]Remramsupay: that makes no sense +[2014-11-21T01:43:05Z]VxJasonxVluto: hi +[2014-11-21T01:43:31Z]VxJasonxVsupay: use git +[2014-11-21T01:56:00Z]Remramluto: wiki pagess behave differently +[2014-11-21T01:57:20Z]Remramalso, md files