latest 20 messages by ir7466

+ [2015-02-09T07:08:58Z] ir7466 hi - can I do a soft merge? basically to see what WOULD be merged without actually doing it?
+ [2015-01-09T08:03:14Z] ir7466 bye
+ [2015-01-09T06:44:16Z] ir7466 it's not as nice as something visual though
+ [2015-01-09T06:44:07Z] ir7466 I guess
+ [2015-01-09T06:34:20Z] ir7466 how can I work around this?
+ [2015-01-09T06:32:35Z] ir7466 surely it must be possible?!?!
+ [2015-01-09T06:32:29Z] ir7466 thats crazy, how do people display their Build|Pass type images?
+ [2015-01-09T06:31:26Z] ir7466 rather than a copy made by github
+ [2015-01-09T06:31:21Z] ir7466 how can I have it so it points to the actual image URL
+ [2015-01-09T06:31:12Z] ir7466
+ [2015-01-09T06:31:09Z] ir7466 on github though, it seems to be serving the image from github's servers
+ [2015-01-09T06:30:48Z] ir7466 in my file, I have ![Status](
+ [2015-01-09T06:30:27Z] ir7466 hello
+ [2014-12-16T06:37:46Z] ir7466 it changed in the others as well
+ [2014-12-16T06:37:41Z] ir7466 damn it
+ [2014-12-16T06:36:11Z] ir7466 as I would expect it would only change in a/ ?
+ [2014-12-16T06:36:05Z] ir7466 i can easily test this by just running git remote -v can't I
+ [2014-12-16T06:35:52Z] ir7466 ok
+ [2014-12-16T06:35:19Z] ir7466 (its a prod server)
+ [2014-12-16T06:35:13Z] ir7466 just different implementations of it