+ [2014-11-23T23:26:12Z] milki are you my future?!
+ [2014-11-23T23:26:46Z] milki and no, it isnt possible with fast-export/fast-import
+ [2014-11-23T23:28:33Z] milki could be an interesting feature. maybe
+ [2014-11-23T23:29:15Z] prof_milki hmm, okay then. git clone dance it is then..

message no. 62966

Posted by prof_milki in #github at 2014-11-23T23:28:58Z

+ [2014-11-24T02:35:20Z] zerowidth milki: https://import.github.com/new ?
+ [2014-11-24T02:35:24Z] zerowidth might be able to do it
+ [2014-11-24T03:13:47Z] juliohm After I request a student pack on Github, it usually takes too much time for it to be approved?
+ [2014-11-24T03:14:08Z] juliohm it usually take a long time*
+ [2014-11-24T04:16:06Z] UnderSampled Am I missing something/ my github.io page doesnt' exist yet...