+[2014-12-05T00:06:59Z]luminouswhat am I not doing correctly here? +[2014-12-05T00:09:45Z]luminousI just setup octopress elsewhere and did not run into this +[2014-12-05T00:11:22Z]luminousdigging a little, I see https://github.com/nickhammond/docs/commit/ca277d1d886d01a0e059eca421b2128fc95e0140, and this says to install a supported runtime, pointing to sstephenson's execjs.. but execjs doesn't have anything about installing a runtime.. +[2014-12-05T00:28:31Z]luminousah, I need nodejs +[2014-12-05T00:28:32Z]luminousgot it
+[2014-12-14T20:13:30Z]dagda1_the syntax highlighting in my gists has gone since upgrading to the latest octopress, http://www.thesoftwaresimpleton.com/blog/2014/11/21/dynamic-post-update/ +[2014-12-15T21:16:35Z]dagda1my gists styling has gone since updating to the latest octopress, they have no syntax highlighting and no line numbers etc. for example http://www.thesoftwaresimpleton.com/blog/2014/11/21/dynamic-post-update/ +[2014-12-25T05:15:36Z]phutchinsanyone awake? +[2014-12-25T05:15:49Z]phutchinsand know why octopress 3.0 gem build command doesn't create a _site folder? +[2014-12-26T19:14:50Z]jamto11hi i was wondering if anyone ever ran into the issue where page has the loading spinner on the tab? like it loads in one second but the loading spinner stays on the tab