+ [2014-12-05T22:32:48Z] Una Hey, anyone around?
+ [2014-12-05T23:36:26Z] Fiona Yes.
+ [2014-12-05T23:40:28Z] offby1 nobody here but us zombie processes.
+ [2014-12-05T23:43:25Z] jonsparks My student account still hasn't been verified. Coming up on two weeks.
+ [2014-12-05T23:43:58Z] jonsparks Nothing came from submitting a support request either.

message no. 64689

Posted by PDogJr in #github at 2014-12-05T16:27:31Z

when I download a text file on github, it doesn't preserve new lines - is there any way to retain the new lines in the original file?
+ [2014-12-06T00:08:55Z] jeffrey_ Can someoen help me figure out why I can't get my local git repo to get sent to my remote location
+ [2014-12-06T00:11:23Z] jeffrey_ Is there anyone in here?
+ [2014-12-06T00:11:39Z] xpheres hello
+ [2014-12-06T00:11:47Z] xpheres most of the time that occurs