latest 16 messages by PDogJr

+ [2015-05-13T01:50:20Z] PDogJr oh wait never mind I see I just have to be logged in to GitHub in order to see the buttons for editing a wiki
+ [2015-05-13T01:44:55Z] PDogJr how do I contribute to the wiki of a repo where I don't have push access?
+ [2015-05-11T02:47:10Z] PDogJr when creating a github pages repo, is the name of the repo case sensitive? and should the repo be initialized with a readme or some other file? The github pages instructions don't mention this but otherwise it's not possible to clone the repo
+ [2014-12-05T16:44:19Z] PDogJr thanks all the same for your help
+ [2014-12-05T16:44:11Z] PDogJr technicalpickles, it has been working for me all along - I was just stupid and kept opening in notepad, but proper text editors display the new lines properly
+ [2014-12-05T16:34:05Z] PDogJr yes I am but I originally wrote that file in Windows so I assumed it saved with Windows new line endings
+ [2014-12-05T16:32:36Z] PDogJr not sure if python parses it the same but I'll give it a shot
+ [2014-12-05T16:32:10Z] PDogJr I'm guessing I could just save the file in markdown instead and that will work
+ [2014-12-05T16:31:42Z] PDogJr it's a pretty large file, be warned:
+ [2014-12-05T16:31:10Z] PDogJr downloading*
+ [2014-12-05T16:31:05Z] PDogJr the file I'm downloaded is a .txt file
+ [2014-12-05T16:30:53Z] PDogJr that works for me as well but .txt files don't
+ [2014-12-05T16:29:46Z] PDogJr the lines are rendered separately when I view the file in the browser, but opening the file in a text editor shows that the new lines have been excised
+ [2014-12-05T16:28:52Z] PDogJr from
+ [2014-12-05T16:28:44Z] PDogJr I've tried just a simple ctrl+s and I've tried using urllib in python to retrieve the file
+ [2014-12-05T16:27:31Z] PDogJr when I download a text file on github, it doesn't preserve new lines - is there any way to retain the new lines in the original file?