+[10 years ago]aberrantCONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in tests/bloom-tests.jl +[10 years ago]aberrantthat’s on a git merge upstream/master +[10 years ago]thibaultcha!conflict +[10 years ago]gitinfo[!eekaconflict] Merge conflicts are a natural part of collaboration. When facing one, *don't panic*. Read "How to resolve conflicts" in man git-merge and http://git-scm.com/book/ch3-2.html#Basic-Merge-Conflicts then carefully go through the conflicts. Picking one side verbatim is not always the right choice! A nice video explaining merge conflicts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz7NuSCH6II +[10 years ago]aberrantthanks :)
+[10 years ago]offby1dmiller: I'd be surprised ... +[10 years ago]tang^dmiller: maybe this? https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/statistics/#contributors +[10 years ago]offby1tang^: I will bet a flat soda that those results are only approximate +[10 years ago]tang^offby1: I'd hope not +[10 years ago]dmilleroffby1, tang^ it looks like I can either page through the contributors and total those commits or page through the commits and total all of those