+ [2014-12-17T20:03:14Z] aberrant CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in tests/bloom-tests.jl
+ [2014-12-17T20:03:22Z] aberrant that’s on a git merge upstream/master
+ [2014-12-17T20:03:30Z] gitinfo [!eekaconflict] Merge conflicts are a natural part of collaboration. When facing one, *don't panic*. Read "How to resolve conflicts" in man git-merge and http://git-scm.com/book/ch3-2.html#Basic-Merge-Conflicts then carefully go through the conflicts. Picking one side verbatim is not always the right choice! A nice video explaining merge conflicts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz7NuSCH6II
+ [2014-12-17T20:03:45Z] aberrant thanks :)

message no. 66965

Posted by VxJasonxV in #github at 2014-12-17T00:18:05Z

not really
+ [2014-12-18T21:47:14Z] offby1 dmiller: I'd be surprised ...
+ [2014-12-18T21:48:11Z] tang^ dmiller: maybe this? https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/statistics/#contributors
+ [2014-12-18T21:48:41Z] offby1 tang^: I will bet a flat soda that those results are only approximate
+ [2014-12-18T21:50:48Z] tang^ offby1: I'd hope not
+ [2014-12-18T21:52:53Z] dmiller offby1, tang^ it looks like I can either page through the contributors and total those commits or page through the commits and total all of those