+ [2014-12-20T05:09:43Z] Scruff No?
+ [2014-12-20T05:10:22Z] Scruff In theory git protocol should be faster since it was made for git.
+ [2014-12-20T05:26:49Z] Remram In 2014, should we still be using target="_blank"? If I don't particularly care about people staying on my website for ad revenue reasons
+ [2014-12-20T05:26:54Z] Remram e.g. http://git.io/lp2cFg
+ [2014-12-20T06:20:13Z] delinquentme Remram, thats more a html question

message no. 67434

Posted by Scruff in #github at 2014-12-20T05:09:43Z

+ [2014-12-21T01:24:11Z] axisys do you have a http or ftp site where I can access my repo file? kickstart file in github, but kickstart cannot be read due to https
+ [2014-12-21T01:32:29Z] VxJasonxV github.com is 100% https
+ [2014-12-21T01:37:26Z] milki http will redirect to https
+ [2014-12-21T01:37:40Z] VxJasonxV if the client supports it, which I don't think anaconda does