+[2015-01-03T23:05:56Z]lutoNevik: thanks, you too +[2015-01-03T23:19:33Z]RemramThymineC: I mean, if you have a question, you should ask it +[2015-01-03T23:23:51Z]ThymineCRemram: I'll ask it as soon as I see someone willing to answer. I don't want to flood the chat with something that will require a pretty large post and that no one might respond to. +[2015-01-03T23:24:15Z]ThymineCRemram: The issue is with some of my pages not being able to access stylesheets in another directory. +[2015-01-03T23:25:40Z]ThymineCI'm posting about it on StackOverflow, though, so I can link it here if that would be helpful.
I think checking the first in the list is the simplest way
+[2015-01-04T00:36:19Z]Stalkr_Apologize if this is not the correct place but say I have a structure http://git.io/RBVq1A in branch master. What's the best way to compile, minify, uglify, compress etc, move to root, commit to gh-pages branch and push? Can this process be automated? Would it be easiest with gulp/grunt? +[2015-01-04T00:48:21Z]ThymineCStalkr_: I'm also trying to set up a thing with Github Pages. I've pretty much just started so don't rely on anything I say, but you could use something like Gradle to automate those tasks, and adding a Git post-commit hook could help automate the automatic committing and pushing on the gh-pages branch +[2015-01-04T00:48:43Z]ThymineC*could help automate the committing and pushing +[2015-01-04T00:53:32Z]Stalkr_ThymineC: Is Gradle an alternative for Grunt/gulp? +[2015-01-04T00:53:48Z]Stalkr_Looks like it from the description