latest 13 messages by Stalkr_

+ [2015-07-14T21:12:12Z] Stalkr_ Is it working okay? It seems to be inserting an old Analytics script, and I kept getting "tracking not configured" from Analytics or something, even though I could see the injected script, so I went with manual. Maybe it took some time though
+ [2015-07-14T21:10:40Z] Stalkr_ but have you done that or manually?
+ [2015-07-14T21:10:14Z] Stalkr_ Zarthus: Have you configured Analytics through CloudFlare?
+ [2015-07-13T13:30:05Z] Stalkr_ jaybe: Cool, got ``` but it doesn't seem to understand languages? is just
+ [2015-07-13T13:24:10Z] Stalkr_ but it has something to do with Redcarpet. Tried kramdown and no problem, but I would like to use ``` instead of ~~~
+ [2015-07-13T13:23:42Z] Stalkr_ jaybe: The footnote is not within the excerpt. I use the explicit separator
+ [2015-07-13T13:20:30Z] Stalkr_ I'm using Redcarpet if that means anything
+ [2015-07-13T13:19:28Z] Stalkr_ Any idea why Jekyll is parsing something in a fenced code block? I have an example that contains a footnote, but it shows up in the excerpt for some reason. Example and excerpt The crossed text isn't relevant, that's supposed to show up in the excerpt
+ [2015-07-13T11:57:00Z] Stalkr_ Is it possible in Markdown to syntax highlight... Markdown? I'm using code blocks but ```markdown doesn't work
+ [2015-01-04T00:58:25Z] Stalkr_ ThymineC: It's used (for example) to compile all your .coffee, .scss files, run tests, deploy etc. Sounds like Gradle. I'll have to experiment tomorrow, there has to be a good/clean solution for this
+ [2015-01-04T00:53:48Z] Stalkr_ Looks like it from the description
+ [2015-01-04T00:53:32Z] Stalkr_ ThymineC: Is Gradle an alternative for Grunt/gulp?
+ [2015-01-04T00:36:19Z] Stalkr_ Apologize if this is not the correct place but say I have a structure in branch master. What's the best way to compile, minify, uglify, compress etc, move to root, commit to gh-pages branch and push? Can this process be automated? Would it be easiest with gulp/grunt?