+ [2015-01-14T17:13:59Z] yourbeau zerowidth, do you suggest and easy way to do it ?
+ [2015-01-14T17:14:15Z] zerowidth read the docs at https://pages.github.com/
+ [2015-01-14T17:15:51Z] yourbeau zerowidth, ok thanks for help
+ [2015-01-14T19:11:24Z] Polytonic Are autogenerated GitHub Pages sites supposed to have syntax highlighting?

message no. 73194

Posted by safinaskar in #github at 2015-01-14T02:17:05Z

thibaultcha: that mangitignore text says: "match against _pathname_". so: we have pattern .*.kate-swp. it doesn't contain slash. so, docs say it will match _any_ _pathname_ _which_ _match_ .*.kate-swp _in_ _any_ _dir_. so, it will (as docs say) match /.a.kate-swp, /a/.b.kate-swp, AND /.a/b.kate-swp, /a/.b/c.kate-swp. (because docs say "pathname"). but an experiment doesn't prove this. so, there
+ [2015-01-15T22:39:30Z] VxJasonxV and yourbeau isn't here, and they have a problem
+ [2015-01-15T22:40:27Z] VxJasonxV nor on Freenode anymore. oops
+ [2015-01-15T23:24:27Z] siloxid how can I tell what permissions a team has for a repository? I need to only allow read access to one of the teams but I don't see a way to view or change their current permissions
+ [2015-01-15T23:27:54Z] siloxid nevermind
+ [2015-01-15T23:42:48Z] TTN hi all, sorry if this gets asked a lot. I'm trying to find out what 'fix' and 'some-error' is in this command: git checkout -b fix/some-error