latest 20 messages by safinaskar

+ [2016-09-13T21:43:11Z] safinaskar Zarthus: it is the same as raw content of gist
+ [2016-09-13T21:42:25Z] safinaskar Zarthus and others: why same markdown input gives different results here: ?
+ [2016-09-13T21:34:18Z] safinaskar . i need some gfm preprocessor which works exactly like github
+ [2016-09-13T21:34:12Z] safinaskar hi. i want to create some document using github flavoured markdown (gfm) and store it locally and use it locally. i need some way to convert it locally to html. the document is secret, so i don't want to send it to github to see its html representation. i tried "kramdown -i GFM", but it seems it works differently from github, i. e. it preserves newlines (real github converts single newlines into spaces)
+ [2015-01-14T02:21:16Z] safinaskar thibaultcha: VxJasonxV: well, ok, thanks
+ [2015-01-14T02:17:05Z] safinaskar thibaultcha: that mangitignore text says: "match against _pathname_". so: we have pattern .*.kate-swp. it doesn't contain slash. so, docs say it will match _any_ _pathname_ _which_ _match_ .*.kate-swp _in_ _any_ _dir_. so, it will (as docs say) match /.a.kate-swp, /a/.b.kate-swp, AND /.a/b.kate-swp, /a/.b/c.kate-swp. (because docs say "pathname"). but an experiment doesn't prove this. so, there
+ [2015-01-14T02:13:07Z] safinaskar thibaultcha: "It is not a bug, I told you earlier, that .b.kate-swp is different from b.kate-swp" - yes, different
+ [2015-01-14T02:10:22Z] safinaskar thibaultcha: yes. and this is doc bug and not git bug
+ [2015-01-14T02:05:09Z] safinaskar thibaultcha: so, now my question is the following: is this really doc bug?
+ [2015-01-14T02:04:54Z] safinaskar thibaultcha: so, it seems there is a doc bug
+ [2015-01-14T02:04:46Z] safinaskar thibaultcha: .*.kate-swp seems just to work
+ [2015-01-14T02:04:32Z] safinaskar thibaultcha: >_<
+ [2015-01-14T01:55:03Z] safinaskar thibaultcha: "No "/" -> the pattern concerns any file in the repo regarding of its path. A "/" -> the pattern matched files in the specified path" - i understand this. i talk about other thing
+ [2015-01-14T01:53:23Z] safinaskar can contain slashs
+ [2015-01-14T01:53:18Z] safinaskar thibaultcha: "The proof is in the sentance you pasted on this channel..." - yes, docs say that .*.kate-swp will match all kate swaps in all dirs. i. e. /.a.kate-swp will be matched. and /a/.b.kate-swp, too. but (as it seems from docs) /.a/b.kate-swp will be matched, too. and i don't want this. and experiment doesn't prove this (so, there is doc bug). because the man says "pathname" and pathname
+ [2015-01-14T01:50:57Z] safinaskar VxJasonxV: now i just added .*.kate-swp to .gitignore and it seems to work. but now i want to understand git (and maybe fill some bug reports to git docs)