+[2015-01-15T23:47:33Z]Dougie187It's called namespacing. :P +[2015-01-15T23:47:42Z]VxJasonxVI said that tyvm +[2015-01-15T23:47:53Z]Dougie187You did, just mentioning it explicitly. +[2015-01-15T23:48:01Z]VxJasonxV:) +[2015-01-15T23:48:05Z]TTNthanks : )
+[2015-01-16T00:26:03Z]dman777For a upstream project I have been working on, sometimes I would delete my fork master and refork from upstream master. For all the PR's I have submited, is it still possible to get them from upstream along with the comments? +[2015-01-16T00:26:10Z]VxJasonxV!sync +[2015-01-16T00:26:10Z]gitinfo[!fork_sync] You can read a nice guide on how to update your fork with the upstream repository here: https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork +[2015-01-16T00:26:20Z]VxJasonxVcomments, no +[2015-01-16T00:27:12Z]dman777ugh