+[2015-01-18T01:51:24Z]gregorycuMy PR now contains 9 commits, instead of 4 +[2015-01-18T01:51:39Z]gregorycuI obviously did something very wrong +[2015-01-18T01:52:32Z]gregorycuIf anyone could take a look, and let me know what I should be doing now, i would be very grateful +[2015-01-18T01:52:34Z]gregorycuhttps://github.com/gregorycu/minetest/compare/WaterPerfImprovements +[2015-01-18T03:58:12Z]BlueProtomanUsing Jekyll's {{ site.data.something }} in JavaScript; use or abuse of Liquid?
So, I followed the instructions on how to rebase, and now there are superfluous commits
+[2015-01-19T09:41:53Z]supayhey, i was wondering if i can host simple simple html/php pages on github and use it as a blog? +[2015-01-19T09:42:01Z]supayor does it have to be jekyll/octopress or something? +[2015-01-19T09:47:40Z]lutosupay: must be jekyll +[2015-01-19T09:48:00Z]supayah, okay :) thanks luto +[2015-01-19T09:52:49Z]tobiasvlsupay: note that simple html pages are fine and do not require jekyll