+ [2015-01-23T22:56:23Z] VxJasonxV I think git shows merge conflicts.
+ [2015-01-23T22:57:27Z] FunnyLookinHat VxJasonxV, yeah - just trying to see what I'm getting into before I do the PR
+ [2015-01-23T23:26:31Z] domino14_ does anyone know if there is a way to grant read access to private repo names without granting full access?
+ [2015-01-23T23:27:01Z] domino14_ i.e. if the scope is "repo", this grants full read/write access to the code. I just want read access to commit statuses. if i use repo:status, this suddenly does not list private repos anymore
+ [2015-01-23T23:27:18Z] domino14_ but "repo" lists public and private repos

message no. 74610

Posted by VxJasonxV in #github at 2015-01-23T00:05:57Z

tags aren't related to branches
+ [2015-01-24T00:18:41Z] VxJasonxV domino14_: there is not currently
+ [2015-01-24T01:45:42Z] abetusk I have a vague process question: I have a repo which I forked. I've since deleted the 'master' branch and made a 'release' branch. I now want to 1) issue a pull request with changes to the original repo and 2) incorporate changes from the original (master branch) repo into my (release branch) repo. Can someone give me a kind of overview of how to do that as painlessly as possible?
+ [2015-01-24T01:47:52Z] psgs To pull changes from the fork's original repository, the following tutorial can be followed: https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/
+ [2015-01-24T01:48:25Z] psgs Instead of following the last step (git merge upstream/master), however, the following command can be used: "git merge upstream/release".
+ [2015-01-24T01:48:40Z] psgs This will merge upstream "master" changes into the release branch.