+ [2015-01-25T21:31:52Z] Infininight it's showing the relationships between the branches and forks, showing history isn't it's job
+ [2015-01-25T21:32:20Z] Infininight if it showed all the branches that had even existed it would be insanely complicated
+ [2015-01-25T21:35:41Z] Moony22 I don't see merge history either

message no. 75045

Posted by VxJasonxV in #github at 2015-01-25T07:51:49Z

there are many forms of the GPL
+ [2015-01-26T23:50:38Z] ESphynx hey guys, any idea why eC suddenly stopped getting syntax highlighted? :S
+ [2015-01-27T00:46:56Z] offby1 ESphynx: I seem to recall they changed their syntax-highlighting engine a while ago, and dropped support for obscure languages
+ [2015-01-27T00:48:26Z] thibaultcha ESphynx: You want to check https://github.com/github/linguist
+ [2015-01-27T04:55:01Z] brucelee anyone use github and gmail
+ [2015-01-27T04:55:38Z] brucelee trying to filter out all the github emails, except ones that are directed towards me