+ [2015-02-05T22:07:58Z] VxJasonxV no anonymous SSH access
+ [2015-02-05T22:08:16Z] ThiefMaster i actually prefer https for readonly. that way i don't accidentally push to an upstream repo (assuming i have access to it)
+ [2015-02-05T22:08:15Z] tang^ that's a plus
+ [2015-02-05T22:08:36Z] tang^ I find it's hard to push to a repo named 'upstream'

message no. 77875

Posted by jaydubya in #github at 2015-02-05T17:41:13Z

I just created a Pull Request on our shared repo that was accepted by the team. My repo (from where I just created the request) says it is now 5 commits behind the share. How is that possible ... that's the repo they just accepted.
+ [2015-02-06T05:07:13Z] jud i have a fork and made some PRs, 3 commits later I want to squash already sync'd (with my fork) changes and update the PR into one nice coherent PR
+ [2015-02-06T05:07:41Z] jud i did git rebase -i HEAD~3 and squashed, when I went to sync it seems everything's just back to before I squashed
+ [2015-02-06T05:07:57Z] jud any idea what I did wrong?
+ [2015-02-06T05:09:24Z] VxJasonxV jud: that series of events seems a little strange, because after rewriting history, both pulls and pushes fail
+ [2015-02-06T05:09:31Z] VxJasonxV unless you do some very specific things