latest 20 messages by jaydubya

+ [2015-02-11T22:45:52Z] jaydubya I was just assuming there would be a Reject like there is a Merge
+ [2015-02-11T22:45:28Z] jaydubya k. thanks!
+ [2015-02-11T22:44:30Z] jaydubya so if I just close it, will he know to revert his repo?
+ [2015-02-11T22:43:43Z] jaydubya well, we already talked about it over iMessage. He was breaking normalization rules in the database to provide a place to put some data he needed for a feature but that addition would have made every units of measurement drop-down look like bushel-bushel-bushel-bushel-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound where a user is supposed to know the third bushel is wheat
+ [2015-02-11T22:38:08Z] jaydubya I didn't merge it -- it's still open
+ [2015-02-11T22:37:37Z] jaydubya If a partner created a Pull Request that after further discussion is realized to be WRONG, what do I do?
+ [2015-02-11T03:24:10Z] jaydubya only one branch ... git remote -v points to the organization so that's the right upstream --- weird
+ [2015-02-11T03:12:17Z] jaydubya but the changes are not appearing for him locally
+ [2015-02-11T03:11:43Z] jaydubya it returned "Already up-to-date." for him
+ [2015-02-11T03:10:47Z] jaydubya I just do gitup because that is an alias for those commands
+ [2015-02-11T03:09:39Z] jaydubya yeah, it looks like he left out the slash ... that's why I created an alias ... let me ask him to try it with the slash
+ [2015-02-11T03:08:23Z] jaydubya I thought he did too
+ [2015-02-11T03:08:17Z] jaydubya yeah, I know I follow those steps exactly
+ [2015-02-11T03:06:38Z] jaydubya isn't that what he's doing
+ [2015-02-11T03:05:53Z] jaydubya yes we have that
+ [2015-02-11T03:02:34Z] jaydubya I did a Pull Request earlier and my partner merged it into the organization repo. He is now trying to sync his local repo to get those changes but he has been trying for 4 hours and the changes are not on his local repo. This is a transcript of his last attempt -- I think he is using the exact commands we do all the time but the changes won't appear ...
+ [2015-02-05T17:56:47Z] jaydubya thanks! I didn't know it wasn't a two-way update
+ [2015-02-05T17:41:13Z] jaydubya I just created a Pull Request on our shared repo that was accepted by the team. My repo (from where I just created the request) says it is now 5 commits behind the share. How is that possible ... that's the repo they just accepted.