+[2015-02-09T21:19:29Z]cdtaylorOr, I nuked it of the github app. +[2015-02-09T21:21:08Z]cdtaylorAnnnd it's still broken. +[2015-02-09T21:25:14Z]GormandyI changed my github password and I (expectedly) get an invalid username or password error when trying to push to my repo… how do I update my credentials on my machine to push to github properly? +[2015-02-09T23:43:15Z]VxJasonxVcdtaylor: !sgc +[2015-02-09T23:43:15Z]gitinfocdtaylor: For bug reports, feature requests, suggestions for improvement, or specific problems with an individual repo (or gist, etc.), please contact support via support@github.com or https://github.com/support
+[2015-02-10T00:17:57Z]huhHow do I get Travis CI to re-check something? +[2015-02-10T00:18:46Z]VxJasonxV#travis +[2015-02-10T00:19:17Z]huhI thought travis was part of github? anyway thanks I'll go there +[2015-02-10T00:19:21Z]VxJasonxVnope +[2015-02-10T00:19:56Z]VxJasonxVand I just logged in and found the 'restart build' button