latest 20 messages by huh

+ [2015-03-29T19:25:08Z] huh Ni hao
+ [2015-03-29T19:20:36Z] huh I wonder if the Chinese attackers are in this channel
+ [2015-03-29T19:19:36Z] huh brave new world
+ [2015-03-29T19:18:31Z] huh Let's hope this doesn't start WWIII
+ [2015-03-29T19:18:20Z] huh they're talking to the State Department?
+ [2015-03-29T19:14:35Z] huh with the alert()
+ [2015-03-29T19:13:43Z] huh oh wow, that's a lot worse
+ [2015-03-29T19:06:07Z] huh The Chinese government apparently injected <script src=""> into every baidu page, DDoSing github
+ [2015-03-29T19:05:25Z] huh some kind of anti-censorship thing. I don't know what exactly the repos were, but they're basically just an anti-censorship organisation
+ [2015-03-29T19:04:40Z] huh It's something used to bypass the Great Firewall of China
+ [2015-03-29T19:03:02Z] huh I guess this shows how important it is to have more than one remote
+ [2015-03-29T19:02:26Z] huh thanks boffbowsh
+ [2015-03-29T19:01:39Z] huh zzing: did you see ? (note the ending slash)
+ [2015-03-29T19:01:02Z] huh "Something went wrong and we cannot service your request."
+ [2015-03-29T19:00:45Z] huh clone all their repos
+ [2015-03-29T19:00:37Z] huh maybe someone should make a complete mirror of it just in case they do
+ [2015-03-29T19:00:06Z] huh think they'll succeed?
+ [2015-03-29T18:57:49Z] huh Is it definitely the PRC government who is attacking GitHub?
+ [2015-02-10T00:19:17Z] huh I thought travis was part of github? anyway thanks I'll go there
+ [2015-02-10T00:17:57Z] huh How do I get Travis CI to re-check something?