+ [2015-02-17T21:01:57Z] bynarie wow shits poppin in here
+ [2015-02-17T22:13:00Z] gitinfo Welcome to #github, a place full of helpful gits. If you have a question, please just go ahead and ask -- and please give us some time to answer. For more info on this channel and #git, see http://jk.gs/git/. Take backups (type !backup to learn how) before taking advice.
+ [2015-02-17T22:13:04Z] VxJasonxV and they're not here, boo

message no. 79738

Posted by tejas-manohar in #github at 2015-02-17T00:39:41Z

why doesn't http://iswcsopen.com/ hit https://github.com/tejasmanohar/is-wcs-open
+ [2015-02-18T01:40:05Z] bramgg Can I have GitHub's search NOT ignore characters? This isn't google... the idea of ignoring characters when searching for strings of code is obsurd.
+ [2015-02-18T02:08:59Z] VxJasonxV bramgg: double quotes
+ [2015-02-18T02:10:54Z] bramgg VxJasonxV: doesn't help unfortunately
+ [2015-02-18T02:14:01Z] VxJasonxV what are you trying to search for?
+ [2015-02-18T02:15:11Z] bramgg Nothing too important I suppose, but the inability to search for exact strings has annoyed me for a while. This time my query was `fay "-> Object" language:Haskell`