latest 13 messages by bramgg

+ [2015-05-09T21:08:31Z] bramgg DigialOcean wants "Public SSH keys" permissions on my GitHub account, what can they do with that?
+ [2015-02-19T05:27:15Z] bramgg what I'm doing <.<
+ [2015-02-19T05:17:39Z] bramgg It's more of a relaunch on the inside, same concept on the outside.
+ [2015-02-19T05:17:25Z] bramgg Nevermind, checkout --orphan.
+ [2015-02-19T04:54:27Z] bramgg I'm going to be relaunching an old open source project, pretty much totally redesigning it from scratch. It doesn't make sense to me to use the same old git repo, but I want to carry over watchers/stars from GitHub. What can I do?
+ [2015-02-18T02:16:27Z] bramgg Maybe in the past, but it isn't changing anything for me
+ [2015-02-18T02:15:31Z] bramgg You can see the part in quotes had characters that were ignored
+ [2015-02-18T02:15:11Z] bramgg Nothing too important I suppose, but the inability to search for exact strings has annoyed me for a while. This time my query was `fay "-> Object" language:Haskell`
+ [2015-02-18T02:10:54Z] bramgg VxJasonxV: doesn't help unfortunately
+ [2015-02-18T01:40:05Z] bramgg Can I have GitHub's search NOT ignore characters? This isn't google... the idea of ignoring characters when searching for strings of code is obsurd.
+ [2015-02-14T05:30:48Z] bramgg Can I have my search on github NOT ignore periods?
+ [2014-08-24T04:57:03Z] bramgg StoneCypher4k: ha, thanks
+ [2014-08-24T04:54:30Z] bramgg What exactly is the difference between watching and staring a GitHub repo?