+ [2015-02-19T21:02:32Z] drager no problem? :D
+ [2015-02-19T21:02:44Z] Hyphen-ated good job fixing it drager
+ [2015-02-19T21:03:49Z] drager Yeah, magic just thinking about it
+ [2015-02-19T21:03:59Z] satdav how do I setup my github to notifiy on new pushes
+ [2015-02-19T22:26:18Z] tang^ heh... looking to see if anybody used a certain cutting optimization control in their projects and I find a bunch of torrents hosted on github with a cracked version

message no. 80300

Posted by bramgg in #github at 2015-02-19T04:54:27Z

I'm going to be relaunching an old open source project, pretty much totally redesigning it from scratch. It doesn't make sense to me to use the same old git repo, but I want to carry over watchers/stars from GitHub. What can I do?
+ [2015-02-20T00:03:21Z] KingMe I am trying to create my github pages but I am confused with this
+ [2015-02-20T00:03:24Z] KingMe The main event. You'll want to create a file in your site's repository called Gemfile and add the line gem 'github-pages'.
+ [2015-02-20T00:04:15Z] KingMe Do I create a folder called Gemfile? and how do I add the line gem 'github-pages'. ?
+ [2015-02-20T00:24:09Z] offby1 KingMe: you don't create a folder called Gemfile; you create a file with that name. Like the instructions say.
+ [2015-02-20T00:24:14Z] offby1 You add the line by using a text editor.