+ [2013-09-08T10:31:45Z] Valodim there is an authorbox plugin on github, but the code looks questionable and only breaks the generation process when I install it :P
+ [2013-09-08T10:43:33Z] Valodim got it :)
+ [2013-09-08T10:43:34Z] Valodim https://gist.github.com/ravasthi/1834570
+ [2013-09-08T17:13:41Z] antoineroquentin hello - i am beginning web development and have started to blog with octopuses to help with my git skills; i have a question on deployment…whenever i edit any of the files while working on the source branch, must i 'rake generate' and 'rake deploy' to get them up to github?
+ [2013-09-08T17:14:28Z] antoineroquentin or can i just 'rake deploy' prior to pushing?

message no. 8150

Posted by Valodim in #octopress at 2013-09-08T10:31:06Z

I want an authorbox, which uses attributes from an authors.yaml file
+ [2013-09-09T02:21:49Z] seg Hi there. I am using a real minimal theme single column theme (leanpress) and I want to make a seperate page on my navigation bar that is dedicated to my Pinboard. The theme I am using doesn't have any pinboard integration. Could anyone point me in the right place for resources on how to create a pinboard page, somehow?
+ [2013-09-09T07:04:17Z] seg Can anyone explain how I may go about modifying my theme to never show bodytext previews on the index, but rather title only as if a <!--more--> had been issues immedietly in the post, requiring users to click the post to read?
+ [2013-09-09T11:21:05Z] Latency Hi, anyone up for a n00b question?
+ [2013-09-09T11:28:44Z] Latency Thanks! Confused about a few things. I just pulled Octopress from git (following the install instructions).