latest 6 messages by Valodim

+ [2013-09-08T10:43:34Z] Valodim
+ [2013-09-08T10:43:33Z] Valodim got it :)
+ [2013-09-08T10:31:45Z] Valodim there is an authorbox plugin on github, but the code looks questionable and only breaks the generation process when I install it :P
+ [2013-09-08T10:31:06Z] Valodim I want an authorbox, which uses attributes from an authors.yaml file
+ [2013-09-08T10:30:50Z] Valodim so I want a specific config thing and I'm not sure how to get it done
+ [2013-09-08T10:30:41Z] Valodim hey guys