+ [2015-03-03T21:52:50Z] CorySimmons How can I convert a static page from markdown to html?
+ [2015-03-03T21:53:01Z] CorySimmons I'm sure this is an easy one but I couldn't find it in the docs
+ [2015-03-03T21:56:35Z] CorySimmons Doh, just rename the file from .html to .md
+ [2015-03-03T22:12:13Z] apipkin **FIXED ** I needed to update my gulp task to run bundle exec instead of just jekyll :)

message no. 82089

Posted by vegardx in #jekyll at 2015-03-03T11:55:37Z

So, I'm trying to get cache busting working. And have, somewhat. But when it searches for posts it does not understand that it should bust things there too. It just says it cant locate the file.
+ [2015-03-04T04:11:38Z] CorySimmons New to Jekyll. I can't seem to get pagination working. I've added paginate: 1 and paginate_path: "/blog/page:num/" to my _config.yml
+ [2015-03-04T04:12:04Z] CorySimmons I have a blog/index.html file and 3 posts within blog/_posts
+ [2015-03-04T04:12:21Z] CorySimmons When I jekyll serve and naviate to localhost:4000/blog/2 I get a 404
+ [2015-03-04T04:12:38Z] CorySimmons I'd expect it to show a listing with my 2nd blog post