+ [2015-03-11T23:39:55Z] preyalone "Oh yeah, there's pull requests now" 2008 :)
+ [2015-03-11T23:41:30Z] thibaultcha " Tom and I have been talking about since day one" :)
+ [2015-03-11T23:41:48Z] thibaultcha Well, you got everything you need :)
+ [2015-03-11T23:48:52Z] preyalone Was Octocat drawn in '08? https://github.com/blog/38-github-on-fluid
+ [2015-03-11T23:55:24Z] thibaultcha Octocat was bought from an already existing drawing, don't remember well but you can read about it.

message no. 83398

Posted by jgravois in #github at 2015-03-11T15:50:44Z

What started as a typo fix has become a major refactor and I don't have a fix branch. Since I don't want to lose this morning's work, is this what I should do: (1) add and commit changes (into master); (2) create the fix branch; (3) checkout the master and reset HARD^ or is there another way?
+ [2015-03-12T00:38:35Z] preyalone GitBook is a neat way to publish books with GitHub-flavored Markdown. What other websites use GitHub as a platform?
+ [2015-03-12T00:48:39Z] preyalone Oh duh, Heroku and Waffle
+ [2015-03-12T01:34:28Z] preyalone Anyone know when branches / tags became a convention for Subversion?