+ [2013-09-12T14:32:10Z] Neon1024 Unless you re-order the style sheet loading in screen.css
+ [2013-09-12T16:37:06Z] csffsc Does octopress have a Highcharts add-in?
+ [2013-09-12T16:37:29Z] csffsc I believe it does not; so how would I add the .js files to a specific blog post?
+ [2013-09-12T16:38:22Z] csffsc I believe if I were to change the content of the post *after* running rake generate, it would work
+ [2013-09-12T16:38:42Z] csffsc however any subsequent updates to that post would then destory the code?

message no. 8523

Posted by justinrummel in #octopress at 2013-09-12T13:45:05Z

it was odd
+ [2013-09-13T01:21:12Z] csffsc Hey - I have a question about loading Highcharts inside octopress
+ [2013-09-13T01:21:16Z] csffsc anyone alive?
+ [2013-09-13T01:23:24Z] csffsc hello?
+ [2013-09-13T11:09:30Z] nate` So I really want to get off wordpress, I do enjoy that octopress is much faster. Only issue I have with it is that I utilize fb as a CDN for photo albums for the site I'm working on.
+ [2013-09-13T11:10:05Z] nate` I've not found anything that actually works with that, any other way than writing my own custom plugin for this type of functionality? I'll hack my way through it but may have some questions.