latest 7 messages by csffsc

+ [2013-09-13T01:23:24Z] csffsc hello?
+ [2013-09-13T01:21:16Z] csffsc anyone alive?
+ [2013-09-13T01:21:12Z] csffsc Hey - I have a question about loading Highcharts inside octopress
+ [2013-09-12T16:38:42Z] csffsc however any subsequent updates to that post would then destory the code?
+ [2013-09-12T16:38:22Z] csffsc I believe if I were to change the content of the post *after* running rake generate, it would work
+ [2013-09-12T16:37:29Z] csffsc I believe it does not; so how would I add the .js files to a specific blog post?
+ [2013-09-12T16:37:06Z] csffsc Does octopress have a Highcharts add-in?