+ [2015-03-23T20:14:33Z] Rayford example: github/enterprise#59
+ [2015-03-23T20:15:54Z] is_null yeah apparently github also translates the long url to a shorter syntax ie. org/repo#7
+ [2015-03-23T20:16:06Z] Rayford but you said “nice” :)
+ [2015-03-23T20:16:06Z] is_null way to go B)

message no. 85465

Posted by plato in #github at 2015-03-23T19:26:22Z

Impaloo: the biggest improvement you can make is using pull requests for code reviews. the strategy is "merge down, pull up". so when something is deployed to master, every branch that is a fork from master does a merge. and every time a new feature is completed on a feature branch, you do a pull request to the upstream branch
+ [2015-03-24T06:13:20Z] gafur hi
+ [2015-03-24T06:13:36Z] gafur how to add versioning with commit
+ [2015-03-24T06:15:05Z] ankush What do you mean? Commits _are_ versioning of sorts.
+ [2015-03-24T06:16:18Z] gafur how to add tag like 1.0.0 to a project
+ [2015-03-24T06:18:16Z] ankush You can add tags to commits