latest 12 messages by plato

+ [2015-03-23T19:47:30Z] plato have fun Impaloo!
+ [2015-03-23T19:45:41Z] plato One advantage to our flow is that we can run CI tests on the feature branches, and know that they will be exactly the code that hits master
+ [2015-03-23T19:45:11Z] plato i dunno how brittle the rebasing magic is
+ [2015-03-23T19:44:57Z] plato Impaloo: cool, well, that sounds like a good flow to me. my team, as I said, does the merges from master to feature branches BEFORE issuing a pull request, instead of after
+ [2015-03-23T19:32:48Z] plato Impaloo: i just noticed you said you are using PR's sometimes. I think that if you always merge down from master before submitting a pull request, it will always be a fast forward merge
+ [2015-03-23T19:28:16Z] plato it offers a few advantages: a team never ends up resolving merges for another team; you get the opportunity to do code reviews every time code moves upstream
+ [2015-03-23T19:27:08Z] plato Impaloo:
+ [2015-03-23T19:26:22Z] plato Impaloo: the biggest improvement you can make is using pull requests for code reviews. the strategy is "merge down, pull up". so when something is deployed to master, every branch that is a fork from master does a merge. and every time a new feature is completed on a feature branch, you do a pull request to the upstream branch
+ [2015-03-20T18:51:03Z] plato VxJasonxV: so it is permanently disassociated and I must delete and re-fork?
+ [2015-03-20T18:48:06Z] plato I made a private organization repo and forked it. Then I changed the org repo to public. Then I changed my fork to public. Now my fork is not associated with the public repo, so I can't do a pull request. can I re-associate them some way?
+ [2014-07-19T03:08:19Z] plato thx
+ [2014-07-19T03:07:27Z] plato hello, how do I search issues in a repo?