+ [2015-03-23T20:14:33Z] Rayford example: github/enterprise#59
+ [2015-03-23T20:15:54Z] is_null yeah apparently github also translates the long url to a shorter syntax ie. org/repo#7
+ [2015-03-23T20:16:06Z] Rayford but you said “nice” :)
+ [2015-03-23T20:16:06Z] is_null way to go B)

message no. 85468

Posted by plato in #github at 2015-03-23T19:32:48Z

Impaloo: i just noticed you said you are using PR's sometimes. I think that if you always merge down from master before submitting a pull request, it will always be a fast forward merge
+ [2015-03-24T06:13:20Z] gafur hi
+ [2015-03-24T06:13:36Z] gafur how to add versioning with commit
+ [2015-03-24T06:15:05Z] ankush What do you mean? Commits _are_ versioning of sorts.
+ [2015-03-24T06:16:18Z] gafur how to add tag like 1.0.0 to a project
+ [2015-03-24T06:18:16Z] ankush You can add tags to commits