+[2015-03-28T23:45:52Z]int-e*right +[2015-03-28T23:46:25Z]int-e(that's the zero-width non-break space) +[2015-03-28T23:48:29Z]int-eBut I guess I should be using ࠌ ... Anyway, thanks! +[2015-03-28T23:48:52Z]int-eMissing an x: ⁠ +[2015-03-28T23:50:50Z]int-eBut I'll probably stick to `@foo` so that cut&paste works. Sigh.
AlexRussia: Atom Editor generates MarkDown locally fantastically
+[2015-03-29T00:50:28Z]gh-status[Yellow] Into hour 71 defending the attack. Mitigation is holding and service is stable. +[2015-03-29T01:36:56Z]cheaterhi +[2015-03-29T01:37:12Z]cheaterhow can i find out what the first tag is that contains a specific commit? +[2015-03-29T01:56:47Z]Impaloocheater: git describe --always --contains "$commit_sha" +[2015-03-29T01:57:10Z]cheateroh. is there no way to see on github?