latest 20 messages by DannyFritz

+ [2015-09-26T21:01:59Z] DannyFritz can you see her profile?
+ [2015-09-26T21:01:51Z] DannyFritz checking with her
+ [2015-09-26T20:59:01Z] DannyFritz Seveas: she confirmed her email.
+ [2015-09-26T20:52:25Z] DannyFritz is github having replication issues? My friend created a new account and i can't see her gists or user profile or that she is following me. her account 404's for me
+ [2015-03-28T19:14:20Z] DannyFritz it even shows the markdown in a split pane with a live preview
+ [2015-03-28T19:13:45Z] DannyFritz AlexRussia: Atom Editor generates MarkDown locally fantastically
+ [2015-03-28T04:55:43Z] DannyFritz lolisa:
+ [2015-03-28T04:24:04Z] DannyFritz this ddos is nuts
+ [2015-03-18T16:12:22Z] DannyFritz github in my opinion is a code hosting and communication tool. Not a code editor tool.
+ [2015-03-18T16:11:29Z] DannyFritz no_gravity: you should probably look into using git in addition to github
+ [2015-03-18T03:54:04Z] DannyFritz intropy:
+ [2015-03-18T01:02:00Z] DannyFritz what do people think about emoji in commit messages?
+ [2014-09-22T18:35:18Z] DannyFritz yeah, it says to do whatever you want here:
+ [2014-09-22T18:32:56Z] DannyFritz after I fork a repo and do a PR and it is accepted, is it common practice for me to delete my forked repo?
+ [2014-09-06T13:53:21Z] DannyFritz should i have 2 local repos and drag files between them?
+ [2014-09-06T13:51:56Z] DannyFritz i have a repo for my portfolio, what is a good workflow for working on master and pushing the build to the gh-pages branch?
+ [2014-08-21T18:13:36Z] DannyFritz thanks for the info
+ [2014-08-21T18:11:32Z] DannyFritz i guess a fork is kind of like that