+[2015-04-11T23:25:15Z]Remramworks fine here, what's your browser? +[2015-04-11T23:25:26Z]graphitemasterfirefox +[2015-04-11T23:28:30Z]Remramworks here +[2015-04-11T23:53:31Z]VxJasonxVI've had that bug in firefox more times than I can count +[2015-04-11T23:53:38Z]VxJasonxVso frustrating when it happens
If I want to test the pull request locally, modify a few things, and then merge
+[2015-04-12T00:49:27Z]RemramVxJasonxV: On Github you mean? +[2015-04-12T01:41:26Z]PhagusDo all source files on github have to be through SSH? +[2015-04-12T01:44:50Z]PhagusI want to just embed my Markdown file, but the embedding platform doesnt support SSH +[2015-04-12T02:00:38Z]VxJasonxVRemram: no, other sites. +[2015-04-12T02:00:46Z]VxJasonxVPhagus: embedding?