+ [2015-04-13T21:40:57Z] pietromenna bundle exec rake features
+ [2015-04-13T21:41:03Z] pietromenna I am getting a message

message no. 89508

Posted by pietromenna in #jekyll at 2015-04-13T21:40:41Z

while running
+ [2015-04-14T10:17:50Z] jellie How can I escape charachters in markdown using jekyll? The backslash is failing on me.
+ [2015-04-14T11:13:15Z] inki hi
+ [2015-04-14T11:13:59Z] inki I have a style.scss with two lines of — in the beginning, but jekyll build won’t create .css with buid
+ [2015-04-14T11:14:03Z] inki buid*
+ [2015-04-14T11:14:07Z] inki build**