+ [2013-09-14T07:40:03Z] Anandawardhana okay, I think I'll have to make up my mind about it for now.
+ [2013-09-14T07:40:14Z] pontiki wish it were different

message no. 8953

Posted by Anandawardhana in #octopress at 2013-09-14T06:24:59Z

when I migrate it the normal way it ends up converting unicode into English, here's where I tested it http://notes.alochana.net/blog/categories/niveedn/
+ [2013-09-15T07:01:46Z] jolleyjo_ just trying to understand this all... when i use octopress, i have to rake deploy to push code to the master branch so that I can see my github page... if i don't use octopress, should I be able to see my content without deploying? i.e. jekyll software running on github pages already?
+ [2013-09-15T09:36:01Z] vasilakisFiL jolleyjo_ I think gihub supports only static pages
+ [2013-09-15T09:38:11Z] vasilakisFiL so I think even with jekyll only (that is, a custom jekyll site) you will have to build it every time you want to make a change
+ [2013-09-16T03:42:39Z] jolleyjo_ Github will actually serve Jekyll pages without a rake deploy, any ideas how to get an Octopress deployment to work without having to do rake deploy?