+ [2015-04-19T21:00:20Z] ahop how to do it properly?
+ [2015-04-19T21:03:30Z] ahop How to delete files in a branch without affecting other branches?
+ [2015-04-19T21:04:00Z] PeterMetz Anybody else having connectivity issues (timeouts) recently when pulling bower dependencies from GitHub? My CI server keeps getting these in the past few days and only during night time (UTC).
+ [2015-04-19T21:34:53Z] Valeness Hello, with github organizations is there any way to have a group that can create teams but not have the power to delete the organization (Like Owner)
+ [2015-04-19T21:42:47Z] [R] is there a way to get 1 rss feed for every repo in an organization? i dont want to have to subscribe to every repo

message no. 90468

Posted by Valeness in #github at 2015-04-19T21:34:53Z

Hello, with github organizations is there any way to have a group that can create teams but not have the power to delete the organization (Like Owner)
+ [2015-04-20T01:05:37Z] VxJasonxV [R]: the closest you'll get is the dashboard event feed
+ [2015-04-20T06:16:22Z] LFS what is the difference between a closed and resolved bug?
+ [2015-04-20T06:16:52Z] j416 resolved = fixed, closed = fixed or ignored, maybe
+ [2015-04-20T06:17:04Z] j416 no idea but it would make sense
+ [2015-04-20T06:19:39Z] LFS in this case closed could be anything other than fixed/resolved