+[2013-09-17T23:57:45Z]jaybeline 11 needs to probably be elsif, not if +[2013-09-17T23:58:05Z]jaybeor are you trying to nest if? +[2013-09-17T23:58:51Z]eightfoldi have removed all such statements from line 11 +[2013-09-17T23:59:05Z]eightfoldi have removed line 11 +[2013-09-17T23:59:30Z]jaybeperhaps provide what you currently have
is _posts a hard coded thing or can I create other sub folders of posts that can be referenced in similar ways like '% for post in site.somethingelse %'
+[2013-09-18T00:00:38Z]eightfoldjaybe: http://pastebin.com/15dnWU6v +[2013-09-18T00:03:19Z]jaybedo you have if-logic in default template as well? +[2013-09-18T00:04:52Z]jaybeyou're missing two closing {% endfor %} +[2013-09-18T00:05:51Z]eightfoldjaybe: yes, in default: <title>{{ site.title }}{% if page.title != 'index' %} &middot; {{ page.title }}{% endif %}</title> +[2013-09-18T00:06:58Z]eightfoldwhy should i have two {% endfor %} ?