+ [2015-05-08T16:47:12Z] Henry151 it turned out to be a lot easier to just go change the passwords :)
+ [2015-05-08T16:54:45Z] Seveas zotherstupidguy: https://developer.github.com/v3/users/
+ [2015-05-08T19:43:20Z] matchew /join #solr
+ [2015-05-08T19:45:00Z] Seveas matchew: solr isn't *that* bad :P

message no. 92821

Posted by j416 in #github at 2015-05-08T07:46:47Z

+ [2015-05-09T00:04:44Z] Impaloo Has GitHub said anything about introducing a messaging system in GH?
+ [2015-05-09T00:05:05Z] Impaloo Sort of like how Twitter does it
+ [2015-05-09T00:09:10Z] rom1504 doubt it
+ [2015-05-09T00:09:19Z] rom1504 Impaloo: look at gitter though
+ [2015-05-09T06:29:59Z] milki GH?