+ [2015-05-17T20:57:06Z] VxJasonxV special sauce
+ [2015-05-17T22:02:37Z] leachim6 I liked it better 5 years ago when everyone was cranky that nobody knew that git was
+ [2015-05-17T23:49:42Z] rom1504 leachim6: why ?
+ [2015-05-17T23:49:50Z] rom1504 so you could have no contributors ?

message no. 93855

Posted by laravelnewbie in #github at 2015-05-17T14:03:57Z

how does this place work? where can you view a full list of the channels available?
+ [2015-05-18T03:07:14Z] GriffinHeart Hallo guys, is there a way to configure 'hub pull-request' to use 'develop' as a base? instead of always having to do 'hub pull-request -b develop'
+ [2015-05-18T03:48:53Z] ob_ hi, why is it that github for windows is not respecting my addition of ".exe" to the .gitignore?
+ [2015-05-18T03:49:39Z] ob_ oh, think i figured it out "*.exe"
+ [2015-05-18T08:45:01Z] codemercenary Anyone have an opinion about agile + github?
+ [2015-05-18T08:52:52Z] Siente Hello guys, could you help me with making an HTTP POST request with parameters for the access token using PHP?