latest 20 messages by Siente

+ [2015-06-04T10:45:05Z] Siente I am trying since weeks :D
+ [2015-06-04T10:42:31Z] Siente and again an empty array
+ [2015-06-04T10:42:27Z] Siente Seveas, I've added the user and repo scopes
+ [2015-06-04T10:32:16Z] Siente Seveas, curl with the following scopes user:email, public_repo and read:org
+ [2015-06-04T09:59:11Z] Siente guys any ideas why the GitHub API is returning me an empty array when using access token and array with details when using username/password ?
+ [2015-06-04T08:06:30Z] Siente is there something like test GitHub accounts If I have to test something with the GitHub API?
+ [2015-05-29T12:38:35Z] Siente hello guys, is it possible to create a temporary test github account have to make some tests with the API
+ [2015-05-27T10:54:30Z] Siente guys please help me with the GitHub API
+ [2015-05-27T10:24:36Z] Siente Hello guys, why curl is returning me an empty array and curl -u my_username is returning me array with details
+ [2015-05-26T13:03:16Z] Siente Hello guys, why curl is returning me an empty array and curl -u my_username is returning me array with details
+ [2015-05-25T11:42:30Z] Siente Hello guys, is it possible to join a team through the API/
+ [2015-05-25T06:48:57Z] Siente is there anybody who is using the php-github-api l?
+ [2015-05-22T11:14:18Z] Siente or another php library
+ [2015-05-22T11:13:58Z] Siente is there someone who have used the php-github-api?
+ [2015-05-22T10:53:27Z] Siente Seveas, so maybe in a database?
+ [2015-05-22T10:23:50Z] Siente Seveas, If I want to use the oauth token for more than 1 request I should keep it in session or?
+ [2015-05-22T08:40:53Z] Siente Seveas, I didn't get it
+ [2015-05-22T08:36:34Z] Siente Seveas, yes oauth token
+ [2015-05-22T08:27:33Z] Siente Hello guys, is it possible to use the access token for more than 1 request?
+ [2015-05-21T12:48:22Z] Siente I don't have any idea of how to use it where to type my api secret and client id