+ [10 years ago] Kunda instead of naming each team member... is there a way I can page the whole team ?
+ [10 years ago] Kunda Anyone? ^
+ [10 years ago] Kunda repost: how do I page a team on github ?
+ [10 years ago] esalinas hello, starring a repo is like liking it in facebook or it has a special function?
+ [10 years ago] esalinas liking something**

message no. 94380

Posted by Kunda in #github at 2015-05-20T01:07:55Z

for example: scribusproject/teams/scribusctl
+ [10 years ago] Nevik ha, that timing
+ [10 years ago] ciwolsey so ive been working on a project with a friend, we both created branches to work on our features, he completed his and merged it to master.. but now im trying to merge mine with master and its saying it cant merge automatically
+ [10 years ago] ciwolsey is there a way i can resolve the merge myself before create pull request?